Batteries of all types are dangerous. Do not attempt any
work you are not qualified to perform.
I saw a long list of EV battery modules on Ebay in the midst of my EV car research, and thought whoa ! I could evaluate its internals and use it for my drones and other robotic projects. I think with a 3C output that means 100 Amps which does seem plausible when attempting to lift a drone. I just dont know how to cool it off.
The module in OEM form was purchased used for 75 US $. The previous owner was a builder like myself and used it briefly for an electric skateboard.
Some OEM module specs :
Case : Formed thin aluminum sheet metal. Type : Pouch, 4 cells. 32.5 Ah and 3.75 V per cell.
Circuit : 2 series 2 parallel at 7.6 volts nominal, 60 to 90 amp normal output.
Mass : 3.787 kg (8.4 pounds) Dimensions : 22.2cm W x 30.7cm L x 3.7cm H (8.75 in. W x 12.1 in. L x 1.47 in. )
Chemistry : Cathode = LiMn2O4 with LiNiO2
Anode = Graphite
Specs after liberation :
Mass : 3.293 kg (7.3 pounds) Dimensions (Cell Stack) : 21.6cm W x 29.2cm L x 3.3cm H (8.5 in. W x 11.5 in. L x 1.3 in. ) Mass removed = 493 g (1.1 pounds) 14.6 % lighter. Connecting bars : 0.252 cm^2 in cross section and several centimeters long. Seemed to be harder to cut than natural copper. (Appx 3 or 4 awg equivalent.)
Left: Here the battery is about as disassembled as it can safely be. Its very vulnerable to being pierced.